The Comparative Literature Undergraduate Journal

A Premier Humanities Research Journal at the University of California, Berkeley


Call for Editors: Spring 2024


Priority Deadline: January 27th, 11:59 PM PT

General Deadline: January 31st, 11:59 PM PT


We are pleased to announce that the Comparative Literature Undergraduate Journal is recruiting new editors for Spring 2024! 

CLUJ editors critically analyze research papers that deal with different aspects of literature, such as translation theories, literary theory, cultural criticism, historical analysis, philosophy, religion, and comparative approaches. In addition, editors learn how to analyze formal elements of academic writing, such as structure, clarity, consistency, argument development, formatting, tone, register, and grammar. As an editor, you can expect to gain experience in editing academic pieces and improve your writing skills. Previous experience or knowledge of multiple languages is not required. We value the willingness to learn and active participation!

We have a limited amount of openings and will prioritize applications received early. Those who submit their applications before the Priority Deadline of January 27th can enroll in COMLIT 198 to receive units for their work. Your application is not complete until we have received your writing sample. 

Do not hesitate to email with any questions.